Thursday, May 8, 2014

My First Post

This is my first attempt at a blog, and what an exciting adventure it should be! I have thought long and hard about what my first post should be. Since it will set the tone for my entire blog, I want it to be just right. I have decided to start by explaining why I chose to start a blog. I am young, (almost 20 years young) I have no grand life experiences, (I'm still in school) I really have no exceptionally spectacular insight on any subject. I am your run of the mill college student just trying to figure out how this "Real World" works. So why start a blog?

There are several possible answers to this question but the most important is, I want to write. Here, the key word is "want". I am a Media Communication major, and I hope one day to be a journalist. But I have this unrealistic fear of people reading my writing. What better way to overcome a fear than to face it head on? I will publish my ramblings for the internet world to see.

I should probably also warn you that if you do so choose to read my blog I don't have a whole lot to offer. I can't promise deep insight or profound wisdom. However, I can promise my unique perspective and the silly anecdotes of a college kid blundering her way through higher education.

So off we go on an awfully big adventure!

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